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Cole Brassington ’23 awarded FULL SCHOLARSHIP through the Navy ROTC program!

Read on for the full interview with Cole Brassington:
Why the NROTC?
I knew that I wanted to serve my country in some way as a career path and the NROTC seemed like the perfect way to do that. My dad immigrated to the US from South America for academic purposes and was able to build a successful business in this country. I’m grateful for the fact that he had the opportunity to lift his family out of poverty. This has been a big driving force for my passion to serve in the military and give back to the country which gave my family so much.
Last summer I worked at a non-profit organization, the Travis Manion Foundation. They help veterans and families of fallen heroes integrate back into society. I worked in the administrative office, helping with organization and packing up care packages to send to veterans. Through this experience I learned a lot more about our military and it solidified my interest in applying for the NROTC.
Tell us about the process for applying to the NROTC
Initially I had to get recommendations from an English teacher and a counselor. After that I had an interview with my recruiting officer, mostly about my interests, extracurricular activities and creative problem solving. And finally, there was the fitness test which was run by the point system. So each test was scaled based on how successful I was completing the task.
How do you feel now??
I am really excited about this opportunity! I was really nervous I wouldn’t get a scholarship or wouldn’t get accepted into the program. But when Captain Salinas showed up to Devon Prep to present me with the scholarship, I was extremely surprised and relieved. My parents were there too for the presentation of the award and my mom cried, it was just a very fulfilling moment.
Special thanks to..
My parents have given me so much support throughout this whole process. My dad encouraged me to get involved with The Travis Manion Foundation last summer and I’m really happy he did. My Uncle William helped me with preparing for interviews and writing the required essays for the application. The president of the Travis Manion Foundation provided me with the opportunity to immerse myself in service and the life of military men and women. And finally, Coach Consolo for helping me with the physical fitness portion.
Cole Brassington has been accepted and will attend Villanova University in the Fall of 2023. Cole is currently finishing out his senior year at Devon Prep and is the starting goalie for the Devon Prep Lacrosse team. Congratulations Cole!!!