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Devon Prep upperclassmen have multiple opportunities to take college courses through the following programs:
Villanova University
Open to members of Devon Prep’s senior class with a cumulative 3.80+ GPA, our students have the option to apply to enroll in select courses within the College of Professional Studies and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. The application process will run through Mrs. Eshleman via a specific application for High School seniors, and courses are held on Villanova’s campus. Devon students have taken such courses as:

- CLA 2032 – Classical Mythology
- PSY 1000 – General Psychology
- PHI 4600 – Psychoanalysis & Philosophy
- THE 1000 – Faith, Reasoning & Culture
- CSC 2500 – Survey of Information Science
- COM 1101 – Business and Professional Communication
- MAT 1500 – Calculus I
- MSC 2206 – Biotechnology
- PSC 4275 – Social Movements
Immaculata University

Open to members of Devon Prep’s junior and senior classes with a cumulative 3.00+ GPA (who have taken at least one business course at Devon Prep), courses are held at Villa Maria High School and take place in the fall semester and the spring semester.
The fall semester course tends to be a CIS Database course, while the spring semester course can vary (in the past the spring course has been intro to Accounting and Budgeting, and Intro to Data Analytics, for example). An Immaculata College professor teaches the course in-person at Villa Maria.
University of Delaware

Open to members of Devon Prep’s junior and senior classes, these courses are Dual Enrollment courses, both offered in our Professional Studies Department. Entrepreneurial Experience (3 credits) and Leadership (1 credit) can be earned at University of Delaware. Classes are predominantly taught on Devon Prep’s campus, but several trips to University of Delaware take place throughout the academic year. Course descriptions can be found in our Curriculum Guide (page 56).
These aren’t programs open to a select few. We want as many of our students as possible to be afforded these opportunities! To inquire about these programs, reach out to Elizabeth Eshleman, Director of College Counseling at eeshleman@devonprep.com!