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This is what helps Devon Prep run.
Annual Giving is the cornerstone of the School’s development and the primary way for all alumni, parents, and friends to help sustain the programs and opportunities we offer. Annual Giving promotes quality instruction, provides scholarships and financial aid for deserving students, and ensures the continued growth and success of Devon Prep!
What makes the Annual Fund so important? As with most private schools, tuition revenue alone is not enough to fully fund the school and school year. Your donations to the Devon Prep Annual Fund are what allow us to carry out our mission for our students.
Through Annual Giving you may choose to direct your support to specific programs and areas of personal interest such as Athletics, Endowment, Scholarship & Financial Aid, and our evolving STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) Programs. Donations to these areas of the school fund things like upgrades to programs, transportation to and from events, merit scholarship and need-based aid to broaden our student base, and so much more.
Unrestricted gifts to the Annual fund allow us to address the greatest financial needs of the school. This type of giving provides additional resources needed to help our operating budget, faculty development, facility improvements, extracurricular activities, emergencies and sudden needs of the school. and countless other initiatives.
We encourage you to donate to the area(s) you feel most strongly about – if something is important to you, it’s important to us! And donations made in the amount of $1,956 and above will gain you entry into The 1956 Society!

Of course, we welcome one-time donations (which you can make by clicking “Make an Online Donation” below). But you can become a sustaining Annual Fund donor by setting up recurring contributions. This is an easy way to divide significant gifts into manageable increments!
To donate by mail, please download the form below and mail it to:
Devon Preparatory School
Development Office – Annual Fund
363 North Valley Forge Road
Devon, PA 19333
Questions? Contact:
Tyler Klicka,
Director of Alumni Relations and Annual Giving
610-688-7337 x181