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The Road to Devon, PA
The history of the Piarist order stretches back to 1597 in Rome, when St. Joseph Calasanctius established his first school – a free elementary school accessible to those in his community who were in need of a quality education but lacked the ability to afford one otherwise. Officially established as a religious order in 1617, members take an additional, fourth vow to dedicate their lives to the education of the youth. As a teaching order, they spread across the European continent and beyond.
By 1948, Central-European Piarists and their schools found themselves under siege by communism and found their schools shut down by authorities, and by 1951 many emigrated to the United States and established a community in Buffalo, NY. Cardinal O’Hara (then Archbishop) invited a number of Piarists from Buffalo to help advance the school system in the Philadelphia area, including Fr. Francis Senye, Fr. Stephen Senye, Fr. Louis Mesko, Fr. Andrew Soczowka, and Fr. Ladislaus Torontali.
This group of Piarists helped establish Devon Prep as a school; on December 15, 1955 they formally purchased four buildings and the surrounding land (for $85,000) of an estate in Devon built in 1912 by Charles M. Lea. Work began in March of 1956 to turn the mansion – now known as Calasanctius Hall – into a school.
Growth and Construction

The first official day of school was September 8, 1956, with 49 freshmen making up the first class in Devon Prep history. The school quickly expanded, turning the stable into the School Chapel, the carriage house into the Chemistry Lab, and the worker’s cottage into the home for clubs and activities.
The school’s first graduation took place on June 4, 1960, by which time enrollment had reached 141. Groundbreaking ceremonies were held on September 29, 1960 on what is now known as the main school building and gymnasium; construction was completed and all was officially dedicated on October 21, 1961.

Original teachers at Devon Prep included Fr. Stephen Senye, Fr. Magyar, Fr. Soczowka, Fr. John Shavary, and Mr. John Collins. Fr. Ferdinand Negrillos joined the following year. Mr. Martin Bowen and Fr. Geza Pazmany joined the faculty in 1961.

The Future, Together
Thousands of students, hundreds of faculty members, and countless numbers of Piarist priests have contributed to the history of Devon Prep since 1956. The Piarist Order continues to carry on its mission of the education of youth at Devon Prep, ensuring that the school is developing young men of strong moral character. And Devon Prep, as you can see from the pictures above, continues to expand its campus and its offerings to its students! From that original group of 49 freshmen to the current student body (more than 300 strong), Devon Prep continues to provide a world-class education, and we look forward to the chapters of the school that have yet to be written!